Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

Website Legal Notice (Impressum)

Disclosure in accordance with §25 MedienG (media act)
The purpose of this blog is the presentation of the designs and products of the mediaholder. Above that, useful information about crafting, especially crocheting Amigurumis, is shared.


All content of this blog is protected by international copyright law. All rights are holded by the originator (and can be asked for there). If not otherwise stated, copying of graphics, design or text is strictly prohibited.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello! I am not sure if this is the right place to contact you, but it's in german. I wrote a blog post on some amigurumi I made over the past year or so, and I posted the pictures of the cute cow and dragon that I made from you patterns. I gave you credit of course, linking them here to your website since your etsy shop is closed. But, I have had many people ask me where they can purchase the english version or the cow or if I could share it with them. I haven't shared it yet, I was wanting your permission first, or not. It is fully up to you. Since they have no where to purchase this pattern. They have all been asking me. Please get back to me soon! :)



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